3 research outputs found

    How The One-Stop System Serves People with Disabilities: A Nationwide Survey of Disability Agencies

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the opinion of the One-Stop system among state and local agencies that focus on people with disabilities. Representatives of agencies that specifically serve people with disabilities have a unique and important view of the One-Stop system's services. These people are knowledgeable about both the needs of job seekers with disabilities and the extent to which the One-Stop system in their state has included the disability community in planning and implementation

    One-Stop Accessibility: A Nationwide Survey of One-Stop Centers on Services for People with Disabilities

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    The purpose of this study is to ascertain the accessibility status of One-Stop centers andthe ways that workforce development systems are serving people with disabilities. It is important to gauge how services to people with disabilities are being implemented around the country. While WIA requires that all services be fully accessible to people with disabilities , and that VR agencies be partners in the One-Stop system, the real success of the One-Stop system for people with disabilities depends on the commitment of local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) and One-Stop Operators to create a system that responds to their needs. Services and programs for people with disabilities should not only focus on accessibility and nondiscrimination

    The Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Performance Management and People With Disabilities

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    The primer outlines the various components of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). It also suggests ways that people with disabilities can fully access WIA systems and services.The report was prepared for the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities and funded by the United States Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research